Sunday, September 27, 2009

Let's get FIT

For the first time in our lives we each have a piece of clothing tailored to fit! Ian finally found a pretty sweet suit at K&G Superstore and we just dropped off the pants to be tailored. When asking what alterations the pants needed, the tailor explained

"We make them fit."
"ah, yes. What exactly do you need to do to do that?"
"We will make them fit."

Ok sir. We trust these pants to your capable hands & cross our fingers!

As for my dress, despite the already adventurous life it is led, it is now getting a splash of color, a hemline, and a tightening of the bodice. Viola! Dream dress.

We are going to be looking gooooooooooooood!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Proper Wedding Prost

Less then a month left and we are running to get it all done! Every day another thing gets crossed off the why does it keep getting longer?

The last 2 Oktoberfests were spent at the real Oktoberfest in Munich, but this year we are celebrating Fremont style.

Less Oktoberfest-y then huge beer festival, we are happy to return. And one thing seems the same- the rain :(.

 Last night we volunteered at the fest & were regaled with all the sorts of drunk that Seattle can pull out! Impressive. This is possibly the greatest people watching experience ever as we pulled taps, took tokens, and chatted with Oktoberfest's finest!

Who knows what tonight will bring, (ok- we have some idea: drinking, laughing, drinking, lederhosen-wearing, drinking MADNESS) but this does bring up the issue of Prost!

German for "Cheers", we plan to have a lot of clinking of glasses at the wedding. Only a few people are forced to make a speech (here's looking at you Matt!), but for anyone who wants to say a few words- please go ahead. We would love to hear all the nice things you have to say to us!

To toast properly, try doing it German style. Germans are serious about Prost-ing. To do it right, you must shout "Prost!", look the others in the in the eye as you clink glases, and take a gulp of your beer. And when they say look in the eye- they're serious. To miss this means 7 years bad sex - something no German we met was willing to risk.

So at the wedding, please feel free to raise a glass, say a few words, look us in the eye, and PROST!

To read more about the real Oktoberfest in Munich

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gold jacket, green jacket....

Why did the lord have to bless me with being such a full figured young lad?

We spent much of Saturday cruising downtown and Northgate's department stores looking for a snazzy suite. Oh there were plenty, just not in my size. Once we did find a suit that was big enough, it was either: a) The ugliest piece of shit you've ever seen, or b) The most expensive thing you've ever seen.

We also got a taste of the many different customer service styles out there. Most were fine, some horrible, and some supreme. Macy's unfortunately was lacking this department. They didn't even give us the time of day when we were looking around. Oh, and that they can't order larger sizes is something I find hard to believe.

No surprise at all that Nordstrom's had the best around. The guy was a pimp daddy. Asked us what we were looking for, picked out a suit that fit right away, told us where to find them, and then gave us some room to parooze. Very nice. Very classy. Too expensive.

Unfortunately my best option was found at the Men's Warehouse. Think of it as a car dealership, but instead of hocking cars, they're hocking suits... fun times. We found a pretty sweet brown suit, but the ginger helping us was annoying to say the lease. Goddamn it, I don't need a second suit for only $100 or those overpriced ties. So why don't you let us talk amongst ourselves and piss right off! Good thing Ebe and I can speak German. Let's just say it's fun having a "secret" language.

Oh, and one more thing, though a little off subject. Here's another hotel option for people coming from out of town. It's located in Queen Anne, and is perfect for exploring Seattle Center and downtown. Also should be only about a 15 minute ride to the venue.... oh so tempting.

The Mediterranean Inn

Monday, September 7, 2009


The Saga of the Post continues with a few invites continue to sporadically returned, charged extra for, and just general randomness. Apologies to anyone who had difficulty getting there invite!

We presented our "minister", Travis, with his certificate of Ordination from The Church of Latter-Day Dudes. Yes- that's right, like The Big Lebowski's Dude. Anyone else interested in this enlightening following or also wanting to become a "Dude", check out

Yesterday we had another trip to the Ballroom, this time with our lovely photographer Craige. Lay-outs were mapped out, tables were contemplated, and updates observed. Jerry, our venue operator, was invaluable as always showing us recent upgrades. So much to consider!Defintly would have anyone questioning an elopemnet...

BUT we are in too deep and really looking forward to a fun-filled, surprising, lovely day. Let us catch our breath and we will see you in literally no time.