Friday, July 30, 2010


To get all cliche & girly on this post- our wedding venue was in Seattle Metropolitan Bride & Groom! I am so jealous...and pleased. Georgetown Ballroom deserves its place as one of the best venues in Seattle. I loved it from the moment we walked in and was so happy when I looked at Ian and could tell he felt the same way. Historic, gorgeous, the area a tinsy bit threatening- these are some of the words that could describe some of my favorite places in Berlin.

To check out their story-

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cats are dumb. We have cats. Watch dumb cats.

Ok- these are not our cats. 
These are our cats:




They love each other....

...and they love us!


"Thanks mom" says the kid
& "thanks mum" says I, as she was the one to find this delightful pic.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Capitol Hill Block party is today. In a few hours. Like I am leaving work at 3pm.Tick tick tick

It is one of those times where you get the feeling you are going to have the best time with your best friends and it is simply going to be epic. Little preview of the madness?


10:45PM - MGMT
9:15PM - Holy Fuck
7:15PM - Yeasayer
6:00PM - Shabazz Palaces
5:00PM - Bear In Heaven
4:00PM - Macklemore

How do you like them apples? Need more- video of Yeasayer getting wild. Yep. Gonna be a great time

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BITE of Seattle

I didn't even make it to "the Bite" (as we Seattlites call it) this year, but am ridiculously jealous of those that did. Saturday featured a new event for the festival-

Jimmy John’s Freaky Fast Sandwich Making and Eating Contest. 



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I write travel guides. No, not the fun kind

I really enjoy writing the travel guides that helped keep us in the meat section while in Berlin and have kept our German account beefy during life back in the States.

However, there is always a conundrum when people ask what Ian & I do when abroad. Ian's job teaching 2-10 year-olds English is pretty easy to understand.Trying to explain that I write travel guides, however, usually results in confusion. "Oh wow! So you get to go to all of these places?"

No, no, sadly no. These guides are simply the work of a lot of research and re-writing my friends. The company I work for, (plug plug), has me write behemoth guides to help the enterprising expat, like us, move abroad. This means about 50 small articles covering how to set-up electricity, shopping, and customs (plane/cultural). I have started to preface my job description with "I write travel, not the fun kind." 

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cheap Tickets = Iceland

On our quest for cheap tickets from the West coast to Europe we made a discovery thousands of people have made before us. Bankrupt Iceland = cheap airfare. For $390/each we are flying from Seattle to Reykjavik, Iceland -staying a day- then off to Amsterdam. I am unbelievably excited about all this.

It is my idea of a perfect trip to start from home (so we don't torture our poor families like last time having to take us to Vancouver), than go somewhere new I NEVER imagined going (still working on being able to spell Reykjavik w/o double checking), and then ease into familiar Amsterdam. On top of that- the hot springs of Iceland! Whhhhhhhhhhhhhat! (Check out the video below for a touristy, but truly kick-ass looking "Blue Lagoon"). And once we depart Amsterdam we will be meandering our way to Berlin, maybe visiting another city in Netherlands, seeing our friends Leann, Matthijas, & their new baby (the soon to be giant Dutchman) Tymen in Venlo, then off to meet Thomas's family in Cologne and Finally- BERLIN.

I. Can't. Wait.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Picture Picture

I love pictures. And though they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I always have so many questions. Where was it taken? What was going on? Why would anyone do that?

Here are some fun sports pics  that take you there.