Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Prague & A Happy New Years

 A beautiful Christmas in Berlin .....

Berlin Cathedral Christmas
Berliner Dom
Gendarmenmarkt Weihnachtsmarkt
Gendarmenmarkt Weihnachtsmarkt
Ian, Cooledge, & Greg

...transitioned into party time with Ian's dad and 80-year-old grandma in Prague, Czech Republic! A bit of a crazy plan, but Greg gifted us a trip during his visit.

The city was as beautiful as ever, but still lacks a lot of the natural charm other European cities posses. Greg & Ian were simply delighted to stand in the spot that Mission Impossible took place. Lights over the bridge & the truly phenomenal castle are the usual tourist delights and did indeed satisfy our ancient history cravings.

On the other side of the spectrum, "the Dancing House" gave an example of funky modern architecture at its finest. The Torture Museum housed its own sets of goulish charm, with maybe a little less accuracy then other cities. And our hotel displayed best what one can find in a great Eastern city - a cheap price, rough exterior and almost luxury interior.
Expat visit to the Czech Republic

Americans in Prague
Porter Family

Berlin Ian in Prague

Berlin Ian in a fur hatPleased with our lovely trip, we headed home to Berlin with all of us dozing off except for Ian who we found half crazed upon arrival in Berlin.

No rest for the wicked however and within 2 days it was New Years. Fourth of July has nothing on Berlin's Silvester (New Years). Insanity. In one German word: "Wahnsinn". We drank, danced, let off fireworks, and generally made merry.

New Years in Berlin Germany
M10 Party Tram
The natives here regard New Years with a mixture of pride and terror. It is the fireworks to end all fireworks, but if you aren't terrified you apparently have lost your sight to see the bursts of flame flash by your eyes, the sense of smell to get the sizzle of gunpowder, and the sense reason to not get the hell outta there. It was amazing and I am sure we will never see anything like it.

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