Monday, March 31, 2008

We're back baby!

Well, a little under a month and we're back with a vengeance! Let's just say being half-way around the world without internet is a bit of a bitch when you want to try and stay in touch with everyone back home. If you plan on coming to Germany and want to get the internet in your apartment, try signing up for it a month in advance, as it seems to take forever to get it hooked up here. But now that it is finally hooked up, it's flowing like wine.... much faster than the internet at our old place.

In our little absence from the world wide web, we've had many adventures, in which we'll have to go into further detail in a later post. We saw the arrival and departure of two friends from home (Travis and the Cooledge), which led to many crazy stories and trips through Berlin and even all the way to Hamburg, and we will soon be welcoming Ebe's mom and dad to our little apartment here in Friedrichshain as well! We're looking forward to their arrival, and we hope you are looking forward to more exciting posts from your two favorite Berliners: Ebe and Ian!

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