Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hey everybody! ''Hello Dr. Nick...'' wait a sec, this isn't The Simpsons. Ebe and I both made it safe and sound to Vienna (or Vianer as the Viennese say it), and we are really enjoying our stay here. We got in around 8PM last night and headed over to a couple's house, who hosted us through CouchSurfing. Right when we walked in the door they had pasta ready for us, along with some tasty ice-cream afterward, and some good conversation.

The next day, after a good night's rest on Stephan and Heike's fold out couch, we hit Vienna with the force of a full blown hurricane ripping through Florida's trailer parks. Ebe finally had a dream come true, as we were able to visit the Spanish Riding School and see a morning workout. Unfortunately there were no airs above the ground, but it was still great to see such amazing horses and riders.

We'll be heading to Budapest later this evening, and we look forward to exploring all its nooks and crannies. We've gotten some great advice from our friends in Berlin, and we're looking forward to putting it into good use and seeing Budapest as the Kaisers we are!

Vienna highlights:


Vienna Rathaus


snow winter Vienna
Schönbrunn Coffee House

Schönbrunn snow

smiting statue

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed!! After all - - How cool is it that Ian knew how important it was for you - Eryn - to see the Andalusians at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna?!?!? Truly an amazing life event for a horsewoman. I want details. . . .
