Monday, September 8, 2008

The Eternal City: Rome

We are currently massaging our feet after a whirlwind run through Rome. We hadn't planned on vising, but train travel on our month-long travel free fall said otherwise - luckily. Because we loved Rome - of course we did. In retrospect, how could we not?

We got off to an early start and began with the Ancient City, seeing the Colloseum, Roman Forum, and Palanate Hill... all from the outside of course, what do you think we are? Made of money? This is almost definitely a mistake, but short on time and cash we chose to tour the city this way and - hey - it wasn't all bad! We saw a lot of the city for pennies. However, we still need to go back and do it properly. If you want to do it cheap like us (or find out what not to do), follow along!

We high tailed it over to the Centro Storico and ate some tasty Italian Paninis and Pizza at a restaurant that was recommended to us by a wobbling old man. The Centro Storico was great, and the Pantheon was one of the best sites of the city. From the outside it doesn't look like much, but inside, you see what all the fuss is about. The dome is amazingly large, and it's hard to believe it was built 2000 years ago!

Vatican City

Next we decided to head out of Italy and into Vatican City... let's just say it was a religious experience. It was really cool to see the Dome and we even saw the final resting place of Pope John Paul.
Vatican City

Rome in pictures...

Feeling a little worn as we continue to battle illness, gelato solves all

 Onwards with the trip!

We are currently writing this blog from Florence, not far from Michelangelo's statue of David.... no, not Ebe's dad. Unfortunately, we won't be able to see it in person as it is Monday and virtually all the museums are closed. The problems with travel on the fly.

In a few hours we are going to head up north to the Italian Riviera and find a nice place to stay in the Cinque Terre. We are looking forward to sunning ourselves like the lazy iguanas we are.... hopefully our skin won't look like that though.

 More pics of Rome and the trip hit list.

1 comment:

  1. Ian - Thanx for pointing out that the statue of David in Florence is not the same as ebe's Dad - I was confused, as for years he has told me that he was the model for Michaelangelo.

    ~ cheryl
