Sunday, January 30, 2011

Alec likes destruction...

There is a toddler in Ian's early morning class. He sees him every day. His name is Alec. At least one English parent, Alec's English language skills are pretty good. And....Alec is evil. Only an evil genius would refer to himself in the third person.

"Good morning children, how are you?"
"Alec has apocalyptic rage!"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spending Spree!

We spend so much time being frugal, always kinda freaks me out when we actually spend some euros. But we did spend our Saturday getting some super cool stuff:

postcards (sorry for anyone who hasn't gotten one. Complain & one will be sent)
Calendar -yes we are that cheap that we wait until after Jan 1st. Berlin 1900s for 7 euro!
Bottle opener- in the shape of the German Eagle (had Ian's name all over it)
Thia food fixins - twas one of our best Asian inspired dishes ever
Picture- AWESOME photo of Oberbaumbrücke in black & white with the yellow U-Bahn train
Entry to the German History Museum to see the Hitler exhibit

An excellent Saturday.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ian Encounters a Gypsy Family at the Penny Markt

Ian doesn't know how to put pen to paper, (or finger to keyboard in this case), but every day he comes home & tells me funny stories. For example.....

A Stop at the Penny markt before Home

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where to watch American Football in Berlin? SALAMAS!

If you have heard us talk about Berlin, you have heard about Salama & his bar. It was here, watching American football, that we made some of our best friends, spend countless Saturday/Sundays, and where Ian got his job as an English teacher (in a bar- ironic right?)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Berlin Bites

It is a FACT that eating in Berlin can be cheap, delicious, and even nutritious. As eating is one of my favorite things, this makes me very happy. The city is “arm, aber sexy" (poor, but sexy) and this means that a delicious meal is just a few euros away.


German street food

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Berlin Video

This Berlin Video appears to be an ad campaign for the city. It's effective- I want to live there.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Brunchy Brunch

I love Brunch. I would marry it, if I could. And Berlin's brunch does it best. Frida Kahlo was our first brunch since coming back & it did not disappoint. A kinda Mexican, mediterranean setting that covered the bar, there was some breakfasty, some lunchy, all of it delicious.

pesto pasta
heavenly potatoes
rolls, meats, cheeses
artichoke hearts & tomatoes
coffee cake
awesome mushrooms in cream sauce
red pepper pasta...........................................................................................................................................................................................we were stuffed. Plus- candles. I'm a sucker for candles on the table.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tour of the Apartment in Kreuzberg

Sadly, we left our first place back in Berlin, a little piece of Kreuzberg magic as Jannis returned from a trip to SE Asia. Here is a look at it, with Ian- host Extraordinaire.

Want more pics and stories of apartments in Berlin? Click the apartment label for full gory details of our many, many moves and read What Moving 6 times in a Year has Taught Me.

January Happenings

Yesterday was my most wonderful mother's bday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM! She deserves everything she wants in this world, and hopefully a Silvertips victory....and hockey fight if she's lucky.

We are officially in our new place. Although we will miss Janis's palace of a one room apartment, we are going to like being back in Prenzlauerberg in Antje's cozy apartment. And after this (& visas) hopefully we will find something at least a little semi-permanent.

View Larger Map
Google Street view of our apartment- pretty red one!

Happy 2011 to all. We are hoping to see some of you in the near future (Kayak is offering travel deals of $318 each way from Seattle to a variety of European desinations- sale ends the 11th). I also have a bit of a travel bug and will see if I can drag Ian off somewhere different for a weekend. Spain? Lithuania? Italy? Who knows!



Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Place

New Years was awesome. Really, really fun. We celebrated in front of the Reichstag as fireworks, professional and otherwise, shot into the sky. The Hof apparently was performing just off to the right on Unter den Linden. Awesome.

After this we rode the wrong way on the regional Bahn- whoopsy!- and made our way back to Kreuzberg with an older couple who didn't speak English. We all trooped through the ice to a bar, CAKE, and danced and laughed until our legs fell off. Ian ate a doener. Each us us fell on the ice. It was awesome.

And now to officially enter 2011 we have had to find a new place. And we did! It is a lovely little temporary in Prenzlauerberg, just around the corner from our first place. Pics will soon be up, as well as a video walk through of our current place. We celebrated with a meal at Tiergartenquelle which was super tasty and wandered through a Sunday market.