Saturday, January 8, 2011

January Happenings

Yesterday was my most wonderful mother's bday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM! She deserves everything she wants in this world, and hopefully a Silvertips victory....and hockey fight if she's lucky.

We are officially in our new place. Although we will miss Janis's palace of a one room apartment, we are going to like being back in Prenzlauerberg in Antje's cozy apartment. And after this (& visas) hopefully we will find something at least a little semi-permanent.

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Google Street view of our apartment- pretty red one!

Happy 2011 to all. We are hoping to see some of you in the near future (Kayak is offering travel deals of $318 each way from Seattle to a variety of European desinations- sale ends the 11th). I also have a bit of a travel bug and will see if I can drag Ian off somewhere different for a weekend. Spain? Lithuania? Italy? Who knows!



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