Monday, March 21, 2011


St. Paddy's rolls around and Ian gets the urge to pull out the clippers. All that ruff & scruff that had been accumulating from last fall is shaved off in one fell swoop. Ok- not all of it. He may be going for another rat tail.

Ian- beauty shot

First locks hit the floor. Good work 6 euro clippers!

I asked Ian if anyone at the school noticed. Being the perceptive 3-year-old's that they are, only a few asked if I had been to the Friseur.
"No, my Frau cut it."
"Oh. My momma cuts my hair."

Same difference.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry - I just have to say this - Liked the "before" a bit better than the "after". The "after" shot reminds me of a large munchkin! Good thing, I love you - Ian; and know you're not a munchkin!!
