Sunday, May 22, 2011

Das Perfekte Dinner

I'm in love with a TV show. Which is difficult, because we don't have a TV. Luckily, with the internet being what it is we watch a better selection of TV than most of our friends & family back home. Back to my obsession:

I can make excuses like it is good for my German skills (which it is) or it teaches us interesting cultural norms (which it does), or that we learn new recipes fro it (which we don't) but the plain truth is- I just adore this show. The theme music is permanently etched in my brain.  It was actually on briefly in the States in NYC, but somehow it did not succeed. The show is a dinner party each night of the week, with 5 people who don't know each other. Each night, one person hosts, wines, and dines trying to throw- you guessed it- the Prefect Dinner. Obviously this is  a lot more difficult than it looks and there is a good deal of sweating (sometimes directly into the food- eww!), drinking, and awkward moments. And Germans are not known to hold back on criticism, they can be just plain mean! I love it. 

Ian & I have plans to get him on the show sometime (you know, once we have one of those things called a house with a kitchen and table), but we have lately been the benefactor of 2 fine, Das Perfekte Dinner worthy evenings.

Our friend Jeff had an awesome dinner where a bunch of us came over to watch a masterpiece come together. Salad, bread, and chicken marsala. I am sorry to say the only time I have ever had it is at the dreaded Spag (Ole Spaghetti Factory. Yeah, Ian & I worked there).  This was a vast improvement. And it was my favorite kind of evening where everyone comes together to make a table, set out the dishes, ohhh! and ahh! over the delicious dining, laugh filled conversation, and a group effort to wash all the dishes. Pretty close to perfekt!

Next we got a surprise invite to our friend Chester's for dinner. A transplant from Louisiana , we were looking forward to some serious soul. Cornbread muffins greeted us and homemade lemonade. YES. We bourbon-ed the lemonade up and dug in. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Salad with chili oil was perfect and by the time we were served Gumbo I was smitten. Tasty fish, rice, sausage, shrimp. Plates & bowls were color-coded. Casually, Chester mentions that he made the andouille sausage. Wow. That's taking it to Perfekte Dinner level.

Now it is about time for us to host our own event. No surprise, I think we are going on the Mexicana route. We want to class up our usual burrito routine, so we will see what we come up with. We've got plans. Big plans. Pictures are sure to come.


Ian's birthday /Das Perfekte Dinner Mexican Food was a success. We definitly ate, drank and were very merry.

Also, I am still trying to improvie my German through TV. It is going so/so.

1 comment:

  1. I do remember watching this with you on our first trip to Germany. The good old USA does have a clone coming out of Das Perfekt Dinner this summer. I forget the name, but very similar format. Will let you know if we like it!
