Monday, May 16, 2011

London Town- a Love Story in Pictures

As the source of my paternal roots, the place we were engaged and a pretty rockin place - we easily name London as one of our favorite cities.

London Bus Transportation
Double Decker Buses! We happily took the seats at the front whenever we had a chance

A cheap flight from Berlin, we are always happy to return to the city and in our second venture we based ourselves in a little room in a flatshare just off of Brick Lane through AirBnB. We struggled with the pub closing hours of "no food after 6pm", discussed the short-comings of the much praised Tube, and ate and drank our way through the city.


The now coming together with the past. A passion play was taking placein the square.
UK flags London
We were happy to miss the Royal Wedding, but got to see the city all gussied up.

East London

Unfortunately this is the only picture I took at a kickass breakfast place where I got French toast with bananas and bacon. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Luckily- the bathroom is awesome

curry lane art
Graffiti that rivals Berlin
Indian Food. YES
Beautiful Necklace/time piece bought from the Brick Lane Markets


Tower Bridge

London Attraction Bridge
Tower Bridge, beautiful symbol of the city & site of "the proposal"

Where it happened!

Shakespeare UK
Globe Theatre.We saw a performance of Hamlet on Easter
Groundlings theater seatting
We had "groudlings" tickets standing next to the stage


Camden Town

ice cream gastronomy
Quite possibly one of the best things I've ever eaten. Ice cream created before our eyes!

Valrhona chocolate ice cream

The ice cream is from Chin Chin Laboratories. If you are ever in Camden- Go! Eat! Love! Pictured above: Valrhona chocolate ice cream. He said it "makes no economic sense to use this chocolate", but it's his favorite. Plus salted caramel sauce, raspberry sauce, and candied pretzels. AMAZING.

Sex Shop London

We wandered into this place in Camden thinking it was a regular store. It was not. Took an escalator down into Rave /S&M/bondage hell or heaven (take your pick).

Camden markets are a prequisite stop and rightfully wonderful...if not as indie as they once were. 
Grabbing a pint after our busy day, we found the Wheelbarrow & Justice Force 5. This would be our band, our bar, our neighborhood if we lived here.

Tea Time in England

Tea Time!

English cider in London
Cider- I fell in love. Not a fan of flavored liquors & beers mixed with sodas or many ciders in the States. English cider however, is heaven.

English pie in London
Food was so delicious and presented so beautifully. Pork & apple pie
English Pub
Ridiculously named bars: Dirty Dicks

Free Museums in London

free museum england
Free Museums make my world: British Museum

Imperial War Museum

The last thing we noticed about London was all the GERMANS! They followed us. We counted exactly
groups of Germans. Not individuals- groups. There is no escape.

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