Friday, March 23, 2012

Favorite Part of My Job

After weeks of trying to hang on to a work schedule amid travels (NYC, West Side & East Side of WA), family reunions, and meet-up with friends in Seattle, we returned to Berlin and I, for one, was ready to work. Our internet connection, however, had other ideas.

We flew Seattle-NYC Sunday March 18th, the day after St. Patrick's Day. Strategically, we planned an evening flight. This turned out to be unnecessary as a stomach flu made swift work of the Porter family on Thursday and we were still a bit weak on Saturday. We were only able to handle a few tiny American beers for St. Patty - a sad send off of debauchery. No matter. We said good-bye to family, then friends, only to be dropped off at the airport and note a 6 hour delay. Shit.

"Call them back!" we yelled at each other. Our friends were roped into another 3 hours with us (thanks Matt & Brayde!) Arriving back at the airport at the new designated time, the rest of the flight was made easy with in-flight booze and good movies (hello vodka & tonic and The Descendants), we were wiped out arriving home in Berlin at around 11:00 p.m. on Monday. And here we are back to it - the internet was out.

My mum admitted, it doesn't worry her not knowing where we are in Berlin, but there is something about being in transit that makes her nervous for us. We had promised we would write/call when we got to the apartment. We were not walking back down those 111 stairs to find an internet cafe to tell her we were home. Sorry mum!

Days later, the internet is back and I take back any mean thing I ever said about it. I love you internet.

And I know I shouldn't pick favorites, especially in a job I enjoy so much, but I personally, really truly, enjoy our expat interviews. I like hearing what excuses other rational people give for leaving their life behind for expat adventure. I like reading about new places with habits I can't imagine adjusting to and wonders I have yet to explore. I like their stories about their past, present, and possible future. That's why I was thrilled to realize today marks one year since we launched our series of Expat Interviews and we have featured 105 amazing expat stories! I put together a little write up of some of my favorite responses to our 12 questions (although by no means all of the best) and have myself enjoyed reading over them, again and again. I recommend you do the same whether you are an expat, traveler, or just enjoy a good story. After all, we all have a story.

Making it happen in Berlin


  1. Glad to have you connected to the world again - makes having you so far from home almost bearable!

  2. Loved your expat blurbs - and even saw Mr. Porter's funny remark about those blunt Germans!
