Saturday, January 26, 2013

Berlin Pyronale = FIREWORKS!

If it is not already apparent from our blog or just life, Berliners love their fireworks (and Ian & I should never be allowed near them as our NYE almost disaster demonstrated). They love them so much, they have a whole event focused on a world championship,

We went for the first time* last fall and while I hardly captured the grandeur of the fireworks, I hopefully I captured a bit of the scene...a little bit of why we love Berlin.

Berlin berg Sonnenuntergang

The night started with a lot of excitement for the event and a truly beautiful scene. 

It ended something like this.

Because we are judgers of all things, we tried to determine which country did the best. It was the finals, so it was down to 3 countries: Austria, Canada, & Sweden. Not exactly who I would have guessed for firework excellence. This was without the benefit of the music it was set to and we were kinda guessing on which country was which, but here are our rankings for

The Fireworkiest of them All!

Fireworks 1 - Austria

9 ebe
8 Porter
8 Kirstie
8.5 Hawkins

Fireworks 2 - Canada

7.5 ebe
7.5 Porter
7 Kirstie
8 Hawkins

Fireworks 3 - Sweden

This video got lost over time, but it is included somewhere in this compilation of shots of the night.  Listen for the English telling us more about bollocks, and then realizing I was recording so this conversation would be on record FOREVER.

9.5 ebe
9 Porter
9 Kirstie
9.5 Hawkins

Look at Kirstie being the tough judge! In the end, it looks like we rated pretty accurately. We missed the gold performance the night before, but 
Gold goes to the team Surex from Poland.
Silver to the team Göteborgs FyrverkeriFabrik from Schweden and
Bronze to Apogée Fireworks from Canada

 By the time it was over , we were ready for our own party. Handheld fire - SPARKLERS!

party at Pyronale

 On our way home,  this hydrant became a great source of fascination.

Funny human looking pipe

I think we decided it looked like Ian. 

The fireworks were kinda the least of the attractions. Being on this beautiful site in Berlin, at an event filled with the energy and good friends - that's some kind of magic.

*We were obviously perched on a hill outside of the stadium, but you can pay 20 euros or some such to watch the show and hear the music it is set to. However, our version was free and pretty magical. Plus - sparklers!

Hate this post, us and love fireworks? 
Why not watch us try to blow ourselves up

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Ebe. As far as blog posts go, I'd say this is the dog's bollocks. (That's a good thing).
