Monday, March 10, 2014

Berlin's Allied Museum

Allied Museum in Germany
We hadn't planned on visiting the Allied Museum. It is located by the American embassy all the way down in Dahlem and we had never even been that far south except on the U3 Ublau.

But then a friend visited at Christmas, was surprised by his wife at the airport, and promptly lost his passport. It was a bit of a roller coaster.

Impromptu visit of the American Embassy at Christmas time!

We walked up to the embassy a bit glum, but interested in checking out the embassy. I took a picture as we approached and was reprimanded by the guards. We got to the entrance before our friends were admitted and we were told we would have to wait outside. In the middle of nowhere. In Dahlem. So much for the friendly American attitude....

Luckily, Ian's knowledge of all things WWII is pretty terrifying and he guided us to the nearby Allied Museum. It being near Christmas, the place was deserted - ideal for Ian to get his war knowledge on.

Allied Museum in Germany plane

The complex has a watchtower, piece of the Berlin Wall, a British plane and even the original Checkpoint Charlie station.

Allied Museum watch tower in Berlin

Checkpoint Charlie station at the Allied Museum
Original Checkpoint Charlie station

However, the real treasure lies inside. Located in an old American movie theater, the museum documents the roles of the Western Allies in Berlin between 1945 and 1994 with extensive displays and changing special exhibits. The focus is on the Berlin Airlift and the Cold War and the American perspective is a bit different from many museums in Berlin.

Inside the Allied Museum in Berlin

Allied Museum in Germany propoganda

tunnel at Allied Museum in Germany
Display of tunnel escape

Supposedly there are some plans to re-locate to Tempelhof Park where the Berlin Airlift Memorial is, but for now you have to make the trek to check out the museum.

AlliiertenMuseum Berlin - Allied Museum - Musée des Alliés

Address: Clayallee 135, 14195 Berlin
Tel: 030 8181 ext. 990
Hours: 10:00 - 18:00
Admission: FREE

For more free museums in Berlin,

Best Free Museums in Berlin


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