Saturday, April 26, 2014

German Fruit Wine Festival

Werder Baumblütenfest As an avid fan of alcohol, I knew it was going to be hard saying good-bye. But for the sake of the little person we don't even know yet, I have. And - shockingly - it hasn't been nearly as hard as I thought it would be.

While I love my beer (and Ian has continued to enjoy in my absence), I don't really feel like I am missing out. I have indulged my fair share and in this latest adventure I feel like I will take any step necessary to make this a success. I have avoided out beloved spätis in Berlin, abstained on our latest adventure through France and skipped beers in my favorite brewery city in Germany.

But this weekend I will be tested again. The Fruit Wine Festival (Baumblütenfest) is back.

When I first heard about it from Travels of Adam, it sounded a little horrifying. Hot and sickly sweet, crammed with teenage Germans. Somehow I forgot all about this when I was invited to attend the next year... until I was reading up on what exactly I'd agreed to.

Sure we could make the best of anything, especially with alcohol and even without Ian (who was playing in his first Berlin softball game), I put on a brave face and met my group at Alex. A noisy, crowded train ride later, we were in Werder and sampling away at fruit wines.

Werder Baumblütenfest
 Werder Baumblütenfest

Werder an der Havel, Deutschland

Werder an der Havel

Fruit Wine Festival in Germany

Werder Baumblütenfest

Polizei Werder Baumblütenfest

Werder Baumblütenfest Spätzle

Wines at Germany's Fruit Wine Festival

Werder an der Havel, Germany

In all honesty, I loved it. Once off the train, there multiple areas in which to escape the masses of vomiting teens. Cross the bridge and walk past the fairgrounds on the island to find a much chiller, family-friendly environment.

Hope you go and enjoy as much as the kid below. I think I took this picture at around noon.

Drunk German Teenager

For actual info about the event and how you too can pass out on fruit wine, refer to my post:

Baumblütenfest in Werder

Germany's largest fruit wine festival just outside of Berlin.


  1. Ha - that last photo is priceless.

    I was rather shocked about how easy it was to give up the booze as well - I basically just went right off it though, which helped! I've actually only just started drinking the odd glass of wine again now, and I am an extremely cheap date. Half a glass and I'm gone. Awesome.

  2. Seeing this kid both terrified me for the events ahead and pleased me immensely. Good luck with the fruit wine children!

    I am counting on the return to alcohol as a cheap date. Until then, have one for me.
