Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Top 14 Tweets of the Brazil v. Germany World Cup Game

It is impossible to ignore that the World Cup is happening right now. And Germany is winning.

News of the tournament is all over social media, I've covered where to watch in Berlin on EasyExpat and Where to Watch in Germany on and every night there are fireworks announcing each goal. While our stamina is sadly sub-par to watching all the games, we've rallied around the US team (before their loss to Belgium) and worn our Germany colors proudly around town.

Last night's game between Brazil and Germany was a slaughter. Total annihilation. A complete, unbelievable joy to watch for Germany fans like us. Enjoyment was elevated even more when I tuned in to what people were saying on Twitter.

Top 14 Tweets of the #BRAGER World Cup Game

Just beautiful Germany, and twitter universe. I look forward to the final this Sunday, July 13th.


World Champions. Germany just won the 2014 World Cup.

I am just trying to get used to those words. Even after our exciting Seahawks win, we weren't prepared for this excitement. Congrats baby - you are getting born in a championship year.

Photos of the World Cup viewings in Berlin:



  1. People can be outright geniuses sometimes. Now if we could only turn the energy put into twitter jokes into curing cancer...
