Hello Expats

When we first moved abroad, I made no effort to research expat blogs. But my work with EasyExpat & BlogExpat clarified how helpful these blogs are, and how interesting. It also led me to start BlogExpat Interviews where I have the pleasure of sharing expat stories from around the world. (it's my favorite part of the job). After all, every expat has a story.

Ian's Expat Interview, the site's first, here:

Check out the latest posts by expats in Germany by selecting the "latest post" tab http://www.blogexpat.com/en/dir/germany

 Berlin Bloggers

Yes, there are a lot of us. Welcome to Berlin.  
Fernsehturm Berlin Frankfurter Tor

Expats in Germany
Expats, Travelers & Random Sites I like

If I am missing your fabulous blog (which is entirely likely considering my utter lack or organization in blogging) just leave a comment!  I love comments. Feels like an internet hug.

AND if you are looking for more great blogs, check out the blog directory - it's a wealth of stories and experiences I am forever jealous of.

Looking to do more with your blog? What about an expat podcast? The fabulous ladies of wrote a guest post for EasyExpat on "How to make an Expat Podcast".


  1. How could one be added to the list. I have a new blog (6 months) called blackgirlinberlin.com
    Thank you

  2. Fun to find your blog! Expat life is such a fun adventure! My hubby and I have been living in Serbia for a year and we are about to move to Belgium . . . and from there . . . who knows! We love it!

    Lana @ livelifelikeabestseller.blogspot.com

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. You have an amazing blog. I feel honoured you even mentioned me. I'm shocked. Thank you.

  5. Thanks My Neon Sign Lullaby! One of my favorite parts of being Content Editor for easyexpat.com is that I am constantly finding amazing stories and blogs registered on BlogExpat.com. I love your blog & truly unique story.

  6. Hey there,
    my blog is about Berlin, rock and other stuffs. It's written in french but maybe you have french readers in there :)

  7. @Nat - Thanks for pointing out your blog! I might have to read it through google translate, but it's fabulous and of course I added it here.

  8. Hi there, so surprised you mention my blog here. Thanks a lot !
    Fun to read some of your stories.

  9. Thanks for the mention!!! let's kick it again soon.

  10. Hi there, I'm a friendly lurker who really enjoys your blog. I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated your blog for a Versatile Blogger Award. To find out more see here http://theerlangenexpat.wordpress.com/2014/05/05/versatile-blogger-award/. This award is a way for bloggers to show appreciation to other bloggers, and it's a personal kick up the bum to me to make sure I show my personal appreciation for you and your blog. Congratulations!

  11. Love connecting with all these expats. It's like getting a peek into their lives.

    Come back to Berlin Kyla! Miss you, although I love seeing your world-wide adventures.

    Hiya ErlangernExpat! I've added you here and so appreciate the bloggy love :)
