In Love with Berlin

Here are a few of my favorite things...

There is so much happening in Berlin, this is only a thimble full of knowledge. Slowly, so slowly, I am adding full scale links and reviews for these favs. Look for "Our review" after the listing.

What to DO in Berlin

Where to Go in Berlin

  • Fernsehturm - Admittedly I prefer the view of the TV Tower versus from it, but go on up if that's your game. Our review
  • Sanssouci - Berlin isn't often called outright pretty, but Frederick the Great, King of Prussia,'s summer palace in Potsdam really is. The royals sunny home rivals Versailles with a name that means "no worries". Our review
  • Schloss Charlottenburg - The largest palace in the city, this place is great for walks of the grounds, Christmas markets and taking your parents. Our review
  • Berlin Boat Tour - Give your feet a break and see some of the city's sites by boat.  Our review + other cruise options
  • Karl-Marx Allee Walking Tour -  A walk on this famous boulveard can reveal far more about the city than expected at first glance. Tour & pics
  • Best English Language Bookshops - Part 1 & part 2
  • Funkhaus Nalepastrasse Tour  - Tour the old DDR Radio station. Our review
  • Quirky Free Museums - Check out some of the little known museums of Berlin. 
  • Berlin Photo Booths - Berlin has many Photoautomats that attract hipsters and people like us.  Our review
  • Badeschiff - My favorite thing to do in the summer. A pool in a barge in the Spree + club. Our review 
  • Dong Xuan Center - We ventured into Lichtenburg to explore Berlin's biggest Asian market. What we got was so much weirder. Our review.
  • Cemetary visit - Berlin's got lots of them, including the resting place of the Brothers Grimm. Our review 
  • Freiluftkino Hasenheide - Outdoor theatre within the park. Extra points for getting propositioned. 
  • Mauerpark Floh Market - Popular flea market. There are smaller, more intimate markets, but I know I can always find something here. Our pics 
  • Gendarmenmarkt - One of the prettiest Squares in Berlin, it is surrounded by the Konzerthaus and the French and German Cathedrals. Plus Fassbender & Rausch & Make your own choclate at Ritter
  • Brothers Grimm Grave site - Though known for their stories set in the south of Germany, the brothers actually lived out their twilight years in Berlin and are buried here. Our review
  • Dr. Pong - Too weird to be fake. Play ping pong like you never knew possible (bit of a teeny bopper crowd).
  • English Theatre Berlin - Go for the intimate plays or volunteer to watch the performance for free. Our review
  • Sansoucci - Summer palace of Frederick the Great in Potsdam. Here is the elegance sometimes lacking in most of Berlin. Our pics 
  • Kino Intimes - Old-timey theatre in my favorite kiez (neighborhood) of Friedrichshain. Great laid-back brunch on Sunday.  
  • Berlin Botanical Garden - Quite pretty grounds with many garden houses and plants. Note: horrible in the rain. Our review 
  • SpreePark - Abandoned amusement park with a mysterious story about drugs and an escape to South America. Everyone used to break in, but amped up security and available tours mean you should probably keep it legal.
  • Hoppegarten Horse Racetrack - Classic West Berlin in that it is both kinda fabulous, and slowly decaying. Never did figure out the betting system, but I love just watching the ponies run.  
  • Hauptstadt Zoo - We love a good zoo & this zoo in the west is pleasant (although we prefer the next listing in the east). Our review  
  • Tierpark - The East Berlin Zoo offers wide expanses and a vast array of animals may make it our favorite.  
  • Bärenzwinger (Bear Pit) - Bears are the symbol of Berlin and real live bears kept in the center of the city. Our Review 
  • Künstlerhaus Bethanien - Former hospital, now gorgeous art space. Our pics  
  • Mosques - If you get the chance to visit a mosque while in Berlin - DO IT! There is a vibrant Turkish community in Berlin and the day of open mosques (held on Day of German Unity) was a unique experience for us. Our review
  • Berliner Unterwelten tour - Take a look at underground berlin. Tours range from abandoned U-Bahn stations to flaktower defense. Our review 
  • Fussball! - Whether you check out West Berlin's Hertha at Olympiastadion or East Berlin's Union, you should go, sing, drink. Our review  
  • Templehof - This former airport and site of the Berlin airlift is now a truly mind-blowing park. Something is going on here every weekend, and nothing beats riding your bike down a runway. A beautiful day in the park. More pics from Finding Berlin  
  • Gärten der Welt - Lovely park and gardens out in Marzahn Our review + updated visitor info
  • Berlin's Technological Museum - Massive museum with lanes, trains, automobiles and more. Our pics 
  • Madenautomat - We haven't been here yet, but Digital Cosmonaut posted about this maggot vending Machinein Wedding. I love our kiez. 
  • Zitadelle & Spandau - As a whole, this area doesn't get a lot of love for there is a for realsies fortress out here! Our review  
  • Volkspark Humboldthain - Granted, we love this park because it is close to our house, but also because it is the site of an infamous Männertag, holds the Flakturm, and has a great public pool. Our pics of Humboldthain Pool. In the winter, find the perfect sledding hill in Berlin
  • Go to a club - Berlin is the clubbing capitol of Germany/Europe/the World depending on who you ask and many people come to the city just for that. We've been at house parties to the late morning hours and spent full nights talking and dancing with friends, but we've gone light on the club front. You go - you can have our spot. Our friend Kyla offers an extremely helpful how-to on getting into the Berlin club of your choice. 
  • Kunsthaus Tacheles - Art collective that is facing it's final days. Built as a department store in the Jewish quarter, served as a Nazi prison, partially demolished, and now occupied by art. CLOSED but I keep hoping it'll come back 
  • Softball - Originally a diplomatic league, this is now a hodge podge of all nationalities and ages. Our review  
  • Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus - The site of readings and literary meet-ups in German language. Ian's review
  • Visit the Tierheim - The animal shelter in Berlin is located a bit outside of the city, but is quite a unique site all on it's own. It is comprised of 16 hectares (one of the largest animal shelters in Europe) and was even the site of parts of the film Aeon Flux .Volunteer, take a stroll and adopt! Our review
  • Mosques in Berlin - Open to visitors during the Day of Open Mosques (listed in Festivals below), many also act as community centers with information for the public.  

Must-See Historical Sites in Berlin 

  • East Side Gallery - Whether you are just enjoying the wall art or watching David Hasslehoff lead a protest (really) - go see the longest remaining section of the Berlin Wall.  ESG Drive-By
  • Siegessäule - Crudely referred to as the "Chick on a Stick", lady victory is prominently located in the Tiergarten in sight of the Brandenburger Tor. Admire the golden lady from afar or climb the tour for just a few euro. It has also been adopted as a gay symbol in the city. Our review 
  • Reichstag - One of the most historically & politically significant places in Berlin. Have to schedule a tour, but worth it. Schedule your free visit here. Our review  
  • Mauer Documentation Center - Skip Checkpoint Charlie & tacky exhibits downtown. See what the wall actually meant in news footage, simulated wall, and personal stories. Also check out the area around here, from Bernauer Straße Ubahn to the center. This former "death strip" has been left mostly empty - until recently. An evolving memorial commemorates the wall and the churches and neighborhood buildings that were destroyed to make way for it. Bernauer Straße also has a great view of the Fernsehturm and is the site of the famous photograph of the East German soldier jumping the barbed wire fence to the West.  
  • Memorial for Murdered Jews of Europe - This unusual memorial of stoic cement blocks evokes a deep response, whether you hate it or love it. After people claimed it was too impersonal a small museum was placed beneath it (Beware there is a security check so no knives etc.) This is one of my favorite spots in the city and I believe it should be treated with reverence, so please no jumping from stone to stone or drinking. (Interesting side note - the city debated whether to put anti-graffiti cover on the memorial, and eventually did. It turns out the company that supplied the chemical, Degussa, had a subsidiary company, Degesch, that had produced the Zyklon B gas used to poison people in the gas chambers.   
  • Stolpersteine - Walking around the city is inevitable you will run across a reminder of Berlin's sobering history. These simple gold plaques laid into the ground, literally "tripping stones", are one of my favorite symbols. Great posts from Fiona & andberlin
  • Topography of Terror - Redesigned free exhibit that extensively documents the horrors of Secret State Police and the SS on the grounds of the Reich Security Main Office. 
  • Bebelplatz - Yet another moving memorial about the loss that occurred during the reign of the Nazi party. Located off of Unter Den Linden, this is the site of May 10, 1933 book burning by members of the SA, SS, Nazi students and Hitler Youth groups. A memorial by Micha Ullman consisting of a glass plate set into the cobbles, giving a view of empty bookcases, commemorates the book burning. A plaque with a quote from Heinrich Heine is particularly moving, "Das war ein vorspiel nur wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen" ("Where they burn books, they ultimately burn people"). 
  • Allied Museum - Located near the American embassy, the AlliiertenMuseum documents the complicated political relationship of the Western Allies between 1945 and 1994. With information in German, English and French, there are permanent exhibits covering the different sectors, tunnel escapes and communication between the lines, as well as ever-changing special exhibits. Our Review

Itineraries for a Berlin Visit

Day Trips from Berlin 

  • Tropical Island - A giant indoor water park that manages to be both cheesy and wonderful. Be careful about being nickle-and-dimed into poverty, but there are frequent coupons and discounts. About an hour from Alex.  Our review
  • Liepnitzsee - Venture up towards Wandlitz for Berlin's cleanest lake. Our review & pics 
  • Wandlitz - Small town accessible by a BVG C Ticket, it has a great lake. Good day trip option.  Our pics
  • Pfaueninsel - This island playground of royalty and peacocks is now open to the public and accessible by ferry. Our review
  • Königs Wusterhausen - Deep to the SE of Berlin, we went down here to visit a friend's garden house but there is also a water park for small children and nature abounds. Our review
  • Brandenburg an der Havel - Just an hour away, this walled medieval city on the river offers a laid-back getaway. Our review.
  • Spreewald  - This forest area just outside Berlin has hiking, camping and boating opportunities galore. We tried our hand at canoeing in Lubbenau and had an amazing time. Plus - they are known for their pickles. Our review  + Full Guide, Where to Eat & What to Do
  • Sachsenhausen - Concentration Camp just outside of the city. (not exactly my favorite, but a must see. )
  • Hohenschonhausen - A former Stasi prison, it was unmarked on maps. It is now open for tours in English & German. Our review
  • Dresden - Not quite a day trip as you should really stay at least one night, Dresden truly deserves a visit. Most noted for its Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market) which is the oldest in Germany, we also loved our summer trip. Our review of Dresden in Winter and Dresden in Summer
  • EuropaPark - The 2nd largest theme park in Europe is actually located in SW Germany. Rollercoaaaaaaasssssssssssssttttttttttterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs! Our review 
  • Werder an der Havel Located just outside of Berlin, you can get to this charming town with just a C ticket extension! Surrounded by water, this epicenter of fruit wine also holds the madness of Baumblütenfest in the spring. 
  • Alt-Lübars - This town is less than 30 min from the middle of Berlin, but it feels like an entirely different world. This is beautiful countryside - and yet it too was once encapsulated by the Berlin wall. An added bonus is the many stables in the area with the opportunity to take lessons or go for a ride.  Our pictures
  • Stettin/Szczecin, Poland - Just a Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket ticket (currently 30ish euros for 5 people to ride all day) away, this port town offers low low prices and delish Polish food (although to be honest - we haven;t totally figured it out).  Our review
  • Coburg Castle - Once the refuge of Martin Luther, this castle in Upper Franconia is open to visitors. My review

Festivals in Berlin

There are so many happenings in Berlin, but festivals are a marvel at pulling people from every section of the city.
  • St. Patrick's Day - It may seem strange to celebrate the largest Irish holiday in Germany, but there are parades, bars and quiz nights to partake in. Our last St. Pat's
  • Erster Mai (1st of May) - Labor Day is well represented in such a liberal city as Berlin. In an effort to turn the annual riots into something positive, there is now My Fest (clever pun, eh?). It shuts down 16 city blocks in Kreuzberg, tons of live bands, and a wealth of food and friends. Walpurgisnacht is tied in with the holiday and is celebrated the night before, a time of bonfires, witchery, and spookiness. Our review
  • Baumblütenfest - Located just 40 min from the city, this festival of blossoms and fruit wine has a bit of a bad reputation for boozy teenagers. What I didn't expect was the absolute beauty of the town and it's offerings. Our review
  • Mannertag - Also known as Ascension Day or Christi Himmelfahrt, Ian has (surprise) taken to this holiday with gusto. A Father's Day of sorts, single men have also laid claim to it as a day to gallivant around the city, drinking and eating everything in sight. Our review & the video
  • Karneval der Kulturen (late May)The Carnival of Cultures in Kreuzberg presents the cultural and ethnic diversity of Berlin. This means a parade, fierce costumes, and supreme food choices like grilled plantains, real curries, and real hot spices. Our review
  • World Cup - Only held every 4 years, this is bigger than the Superbowl (for any other Americans out there). The Europameister is another major fussball event to watch out for. Where to watch World Cup in Germany & Berlin.
  • Christopher Street Day Parade (mid-June) - aka Pride parade and events. This is one of my favorites for it's chaotic, colorful, and full-out love fest style. Our review 
  • Hafenfest (July) - Our fiends live in Tegel, really the only way hear about this festival harking to viking times. It has a carnival feel with performances & food galore, finishing with a fabulous firework show. Our review
  • Internationales Berliner Bierfestival (August) - Located on grandiose Frankfurter Allee in Freidrichshain, this epic beer mile displays global beers, neatly divided into countries and regions. Walk the mile getting increasingly cheerier and pick up amazing steins and glasses for a pfand (deposit). It is a rowdy, not trendy, crowd, but a taste of a different side of Berlin. Our review
  • Berlin Braufest (June & September) - Craft beer festival where they offer a variety of local beers - even IPAs (swoon)! Our review + great June post by deutsche, bitte! with pics of PorterBalls
  • Global Craft Beer Fest - Rejoice - IPAs in Berlin! Held out in Marzahn this year, this small gathering hosted some heavy hitters in the beer world. Our review
  • Berlin Marathon (September) - One of the big 5 marathons (like NYC), this is also a spectator sport. Our review
  • Pyronale (September) - An international fireworks festival that you can watch from Olympic Stadium, or for free on the hills surrounding the stadium. You can guess what we choose. Our review
  • Oktoberfest - Whether you are celebrating the real deal in Munich, stateside, or a transplanted fest in Berlin, Oktoberfest has proven it can destroy us anywhere. Pics of beer fests in Berlin & video of Oktoberfest in Berlin.
  • Day of German Unity / Tag der Deutschen Einheit (October 3rd) - The day the country re-united is a holiday each year with celebrations around the country including the mandatory Ferris Wheel. In addition, it is a day of open mosques in Berlin and across Germany Our review
  • Festival of Lights (mid-October) Berlin's fall colors get even brighter during October's Festival of Lights. Plus a walking tour of 8 of the city's most beautifully lit attractions.
  • Martinstag - (November 11th) Children in KiTas all over town celebrate this holiday by parading around parks with paper lanterns. Our pictures
  • Thanksgiving (November) - Though clearly not a Berlin festival, we have made this American holiday into an all-inclusive dive bar happening. Our review 
  • Weihnachtsmarkt (December) -The best place for an American to be abroad for Christmas may very well be Germany. Surprising similarities and endearing new traditions can be discovered at the plethora of markets throughout the country. Berlin's markets are not particularly noted compared to Nürnberg, Dresden (Our Christmas Market review), etc., but I have some favorites. Our review and pics of the city Christmas 2012
  • Silvester (Dec 31st - Jan 1st) - New Years is always a time of celebration but I didn't know "crazy" and "fireworks" worked so well together until I saw my first Berlin New Years. This celebration is madness. Whether you choose to celebrate in front of the Reichstag, on Unter den Linden, or on your friend's roof top - just go. Don't forget to watch "Dinner for one!" Our review 2011; Our review 2012

Where to EAT in Berlin

We apparently only eat at various  imbiss & cheap restaurants. Essential Berlin Bites
  • Döner - Eat a  Döner. Preferably frequently. This uniquely Berlin mash-up of Berlin/Turkish food is perfection drunk food, and pretty good the rest of the time as well. Ranging from 1.50-3 euro, you can find this meal anywhere. We love the Imren Grill just beneath our house. Convenience is a virtue. Our review
  • Berlin Bite Club & Markthalle IX - Trendy street food markets, these come packed with expats & locals and can cater to every palate. Our Review & list of top 5 American breakfasts in Berlin
  • Tiergartenquelle - Favorite German restaurant in the city. Hands down. Our review
  • Dolores - San Francisco Mission style burritos in hipster environment. Our review
  • Santa Maria -  Inventive Mexican fare with some serious spice level. YES! Plus - 1 euro taco Tuesdays & tequila shots Our review + 2 sister restaurants
  • Rogacki - Deli with every delicacy under the sun (featured by Bourdain) Our review
  • Hühner Haus - Best. Chicken. Ever. Get extra garlic and chili sauce. Newly opened sit down restaurant across from the stand. Our Review OR if you are up in Wedding like us, try Ya Hala Chicken for a steal of a deal. Our review 
  • TassenKuchen The literal translation of "cupcake", this Wedding cafe does indeed serve American-style cupcakes & treats (2.40) + American breakfast with all you can eat pancakes on weekends (8.80). Everything is bio & pretty tasty. Our review & list of top 5 American breakfasts in Berlin 
  • Volta - Again near our hood, Volta was getting all the hype as the burger joint to beat not long ago. More of a restaurant with a good burger than a burger place, it is still worth trying. Our review
  • Zum Haxenwirt - Traditional German in charming environment. Schweinehaxe never looked so good. 
  • Burgermeister -  Conveniently located beneath the U1 Schlesischer Tor, this burger joint used to be a public restroom. Our review
  • Restaurant Rissani - Watch them make fresh felafel of the Moroccan variety. We always go for a combo platter of halumi, hummus, tabbouleh, and of course -felafel. But be forewarned - no alcohol. Our review
  • Miss Saigon - Beautiful, inexpensive, delicious South Vietnamese food in Kruezberg. Beware the hordes that already know this place is a great spot to eat as it's small space fills up fast. Our review
  • Angry Chicken - Conveniently located next to the very popular  Miss Saigon, this is a good runner up if the former is too busy or you prefer take-away. Korean style fried chicken, this place can bring the heat with fun names like "So so angry" chicken. Our review
  • CabSlam - Pop-up spot offers lovely service & American style Breakfast. List of top 5 American breakfasts in Berlin
  • Gorki Park - A little bit of Russian richness in Mitte. Our review
  • Spätzle & Knödel - Next to fav brewery Hops & Barley in Friedrichshain, this elegant but comfortable site for southern German food is well-located, well-priced and straight-up tasty.
  • Royal Elephant - on one of the prettiest streets in Prenzlauer Berg, with some spectacularly spicy Thai options. Plus - perfect location just off of Mauer Park.
  • Nil - Sudanesischer Imbiss with several locations. A twist on falafel with a killer peanut sauce & fried plantains. Our review
  • Pizza - You can get a 2 euro rectangular slice almost anywhere, but I recommend XXL in Friedrichshain. Massaniello if you are feeling fancy. Lots of people love Il Ritrovo in Friedrichshain (easily noted by it's constantly filled interior), but I much prefer the other two's pies. Our review
  • Grilling! More and more parks don't allow you to grill, but if you can it's glorious. Or you can resort to your balcony like us.
  • Sunday brunch almost anywhere - A standard buffet costs between 7-10 euro and offers everything from Mediterranean to Indian to good ole German roles. It is divine and my favorite way to spend a Sunday. Berlin Breakfast Blog has great listings (German) 
  • Hunt down Mexican food - One of the weaknesses of Berlin is it's lack of Mexican food. Trying to hunt down ingredients for a feast is an epic quest worth taking.  
  • Wilhelm Hoeck 1892 - The oldest bar in Berlin also convinced us to become Blutwurst (blood sausage) lovers. Our review
  • Chicago Williams BBQ - We were desperate for somewhere to cheer us up during a streak of bad luck in Berlin and their 2-person, 25 euro, 3 BBQ meats/1side platter did. A lot. Our review
  • The Bird - A much hyped American burger place, this place is an institution with actual drink deals for happy hour (none of that .50 off baloney) and a lot of attitude. I love the insistence on eating burgers with your hands, but am a bit meh about the burger itself. The napalm wings are legitimately spicy  you've been warned. Our review
  • Kochu Karu - A fusion Korean taco place - we weren't sure what we getting into. Turns out we were getting into Bibimbap.  Our review
  • Berlin Burger International - Maybe the best burger in Berlin with incredibly shitty service. Place is tiny so plan accordingly. Our review
  • Anna Blueme - Prenzlauerberg brunch spot known for it's tiered brunch and great location. Our review
  • Lost in Wedding - A trendy vegetarian pop-up in the nearby re-purposed swimming pool hall, Stattbad Wedding. (How Berlin right?) Our review   
  • Cô Cô - Sadly, not the best bahn mi we've ever had, but not bad for Berlin. Do check out the great omelets and salads. Our review
  • Café Pförtner  - Just around the corner from us in Wedding, this cafe is bustling with hipsters and a bit more upscale business than its surroundings. Do sit in the bus - I promise it's fun.  Our review
  • Maly Ksiaze - As soon as we walked in, the smell of Polish food tantalized us. Bigos, croquette and even the adorable little pickles were divinely delicious. Paired with Polish soft drinks, juices and one delightful shot of spicy & sweet - we have been telling our friends about our Polish meal and plotting our return.

Where to DRINK in Berlin

  • Vagabund Brauerei - Craft beer in Berlin! In Wedding! So exciting. Started by three American home brewers, this tiny taproom is full of unique brews and you sure to start a conversation with a new friend. Our review
  • Brauhaus Südstern - Located off of Volkspark Hasenheide, this place has awesome German food and brews it's own beer. They take beer seriously, offering IPAs, take home beers, and tours. 
  • Privatbrauerei Am Rollberg - Brewery in Neukölln bringing back independent beer. Our review
  • Eschenbrau Hidden brewery in Wedding with great brews & Flamkuchen. Our local favorite. 
  • Badfish - Hip, but not painfully so. Known for its selection of whiskey and complimentary popcorn - they had me at popcorn (and whiskey after this whole baby thing). Our review
  • Schwatzes Cafe - Serves a mean carrot cake & cocktails with surprisingly friendly service.
  • Weinerei - Buffet and self-catered wine. Pay what you think the meal is worth (edit: no longer the case- must investigate)
  • Ritter Sport Bunte Schokowelt  - One of the most popular chocolate companies in Germany has a cafe and chocolate shop in Berlin. Make your own chocolate bar, learn the history of the choko bar, sip on a chocolate drink and fall blissfully into a diabetic stupor. Our review
  • Löwenbräu - the full touristy German experience. Put on your tracht.
  • Prater Biergarten - The original biergarten in Prenzlauer Berg. Get at least one Berliner Weisse. Pics from Chasing Heartbeats
  • Salama's! Our smoky little NFL bar is the place where a lot of the magic has happened. It's here that we found some of our most endearing friends, Ian found a job, and we have something to do every Sunday of football season. Our review
  • Frollein Langer - Neukölln hipsterdom at it's finest. There is seating in a bathtub. Usually not a good thing, but we'll overlook it here.
  • Hops & Barley - Located in one of our favorite areas of Friedrichshain, this brewery is a labyrinth of rooms and the perfect place to drink some of the best beers in Berlin.  
  • Whisky Kabinett - We went here for a private tasting of whiskeys, whiskys, & bourbons. A wonderful way to spend an evening in increase your knowledge of fine drinking. Our review
  • Heinz Minki - Lovely beer garden with twinkling lights in Kreuzberg (haven't been since re-opening). 
  • Jää-äär cafe - Estonian cafe in Wedding that is president approved and serves Vana Tallinn Coffee to fill the Glühwein-shaped void in your winter life. My review
  • Barcomi's Deli - How about a total change of pace & trade coffee for alcohol? This deli is known for it's bagels, but I am a big fan of the coffee as well. Our review
  • The Barn - This much-hyped Mitte cafe is known for its tiny size, great coffee and.meticulous arranged bites. Our review
  • Huburtslounge {CLOSED} - Kooky cafe with a secret room. Look for the cabinet. Our review
  • + 8 Non-Alcoholic Summer Drinks in Germany  
  • The street. Seriously. A beer in a park or  by the river or just about anywhere is just one of the things that make this city special. 

Where to STAY in Berlin

  • Michelberger Hotel - This place is pretty hip and in a good location between Friedrichshain & Kreuzberg. Cool lounge area with "The Big Lebowski" playing in the halls. Rooms look small, but have modern and efficient furnishings.
  • The Circus - Located in an area with lots of bars & restuarants and is well known as a fun accommodation.
  • The Ostel - shows what it was like living in East Berlin.
  • Pfefferberg - A hostel with a funky lounge area, bike rental, etc. May have private rooms as well. 


RESOURCES for Berlin

     Best Sites for Expat in Germany


    If you are interested in a little divided Berlin history, check out our friend's documentary,  

    A crash course of in beautiful Berlin from Luci's beautiful 1-minute video series at Moving Postcard :


    Siegessäule CSD Christopher Street
    CSD (Gay Pride)

    Obama spoke at the Siegesaule while campaigning in 2008 & we were there!


     The TV Tower is my favorite symbol of Berlin. Everywhere you turn, it's there.

    Memorial to Murdered Jews of Europe

    Brandenburger Tor


    Far & away, one of our favorite things about the city for both it's beauty and utility

    Brandenburger Tor stencil

    Berlin Oberbaumbrücke

    Ian Berlin






    swimming pool in barge in Spree

    Berliner Dom


    German Sporting Events

    Olympic Stadium Berlin Hertha

    2008 Europameister


    Berlin Wall

    You have to go see the remaining section on the wall between Kruezberg and Friedrichshain.
    Drive by video & visit by the Hoff


    1. your berlin list is AMAZING, so many places to visit I had never even heard of! I love this city and that my "to do in Berlin" list is never ending :)

    2. Aw - thanks! It is much a list for us to remember all that makes Berlin amazing as a (hopefully) useful resource for others.

    3. Glad you enjoyed the info listed here. There is always SO MUCH to see and do in the city, we will forever be trying to catch up.

    4. Wonderful Blog! Your Berlin information list is superb and very informative. Berlin is one of the biggest cities. I bought a beautiful apartment in Berlin from online that is really very sophisticated and in reasonable price. Keep Blogging.

    5. Thanks Gisela! It is definitely a bit of a rando list of things we've loved & done in and around the city.

    6. ok, I have lived in Berlin for a long time but I haven't seen and done all the things on your list. Seems like I have to get back once more :)

    7. There is always more to do in Berlin, right Nick?

    8. Great list - and when we return we will check it out in detail and make our own list of places to visit with you. Love all the links and reviews. Makes it a great resource.
