Friday, July 1, 2011

Copen-hoggin All of Our Money

So...Denmark's expensive. We knew this before we left- but ouch. That is one spicy meatball.

Water = 2 euro
Lunch for 3 (charged for tap water) = 60 euro
The roller coaster at Tivoli = 10 euro 

Once again, we knew what we were getting into but that hurts! We ended up doing our favorite kind of touristin' - walking & eating.

Catch the train at 5am

On a ferry...

Train on a ferry

Copenhagen Train Station

George & Dragon at National Museum

Beautiful Copenhagen Waterfront

Expensive- but tasty- herring smorrebrod
 And really the purpose of this trip was to pick up one- Greg Porter-and in that way it was a smashing success. The Father-in-Law is here, getting over jet lag, making our friends laugh, and being his usual awesome self. We're on day 3 and it's been really fun.

When we got to the hotel he had already checked in and upon arriving at the room we found him in the shower. He quickly got out & hugged us- ewww! Wet Greg hug- that's fitting.

Porters Re-united


Touristy & lovely Nyhavn


7-11 is a go-to store here. Weird, but delicious slurpies

Attractions in Copenhagen
Rosenborg Castle
 What we really thought of Copenhagen at Rate the Danes & more pics Copenhagen Pics


Today I am taking him to watch Ian "teach" the kids (they are 3-years-old so I think its more like wrangling cats). Should be really fun though. Among the many skills & qualities Greg has bequeathed to Ian, being a kid whisperer is one of the coolest. I am clumsy with kids. They are completely at ease, instantly making them laugh. Plus- I want to meet Alec.

Also today- we were just bitchin about those German police that supposedly caught the Austrain scammer & haven't said boo to us when- lo and behold- they called! We are going to the station to identify him today. I'm afraid I am going to have that face etched into my mind for a long time yet.



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