Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Visiting Halfway Around the World...

Snohomish is a small town in the State of Washington (NO! Not the capital). About an hour away from gorgeous Seattle, it is known for antiques, quaint Victorian housing from it's time as a lumber town, and a charming 1st street that is often used for filming idyllic Americana.

Americana skyline


This is my hometown. Where I went to High School, had countless soda pops, went to the movies and laughed too loudly with my friends, "hung out" amid the antique shops, and generally did what teenagers do. I'm sure we were very annoying. As much as I would say Seattle is home, this small town is where I am from.

And now my parents have taken the thee long plane rides back there.
From Berlin to Amsterdam
Amsterdam to Minnepolis
Minneapolis to Seattle,
then the drive home.

Man that is a long commute! I am certainly glad they love me enough to come to Europe for a second time. Somewhere they had no ambition of visiting themselves, I rudely foisted the "opportunity" to go to Europe off on them twice now. They bought scarves while they were here, participating in the mandatory European uniform. And while they had a great time visiting Poland, taking a trip through Budapest, Bratislava, & Vienna, and exploring more of Berlin (at least they nicely lied & said they did) they never would have taken the trip if it weren't for me.

You're welcome? 
I'm sorry?

Either way, it was amazing to spend some time with them. Like adult time, talking about important things and showing them around like two grown-up couples. Well, kinda. They're still my parents and I'll always be their little girl. I'll miss them like crazy, and feel guilty that being "so far away" is by choice.

Ian & I are feeling pressure to start acting like adults, make plans that extend further than that party this weekend (seriously - you want to come to a Halloween party this weekend? We just started planning it), and even have a trip home...maybe permanent or visiting. There are too many question marks right now, we need to replace some of those with some periods, or better yet, some exclamation points!

A big thank you needs to go to main man in this post. Apparently a dread of your in-laws transcends national borders. When he told the ladies at the Kita that his in-laws were visiting for a full 3 weeks he got a resounding cringe. Amazingly, he didn't mind. Ian's a real champ about taking my parents in stride, even enjoying their company. I can certainly butt heads with them, but he is the eternal peace-keeper, tour guide extraordinaire, built-in entertainment, metro guru, and all around fabulous 4th wheel. I think my small family functions 10 times better with him in it. It's here in writing -

Ian is Amazing!

I really have no idea how I got so lucky to have the most fabulous, giving, adventurous, funny, smart parents in the world AND Ian. The day we flew to Budapest was our 2nd wedding anniversary & he surprised me with some of my favorite things - flower pots painted like our wedding/blog colors, owl earrings, wall stick to hang my maps, sour gummies, and local honey. I stupidly thought we weren't "doing" gifts this year. I owe him. Big time.

Anyways, the parents flew on Tuesday and I didn't take pictures of them leaving this time. There were tears...and smiles. Much like when we left for Europe last November. As I already said, I'm going to miss them like crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Your dad and I love you and Ian, too! We miss you so much all ready, even though we've only been home 20 hours. We love reading your blog and can't wait to read the next chapter of what you both plan to do to get on with your married life. Can't explain how happy we are to have you for our daughter and son-in-law.
