Sunday, January 22, 2012

Egads - We're Moving Again

I've always liked moving. I guess that makes me a bit of an anomaly. But I like getting rid of all the old things, re-organizing, and making a new Home.

What I do not like, what I am completely and totally over, is looking for a new place. When we moved to Berlin in 2007, we stayed in a total of 2 sublets. It was a relatively inexpensive and pain free experience, so when we returned to Berlin in 2009 it made sense for us to look for sublets again. We have now lived in 6 apartments, been ripped off, and been rejected in our application for our own apartment because we are foreigners. We're tired, so very tired, of this whole apartment debacle. I loathe thinking about how much time, energy, stress, and money we have spent on it.

Luckily, we did sign a contract for a truly fabulous little dachgeschoss (attic apartment) that has 2 balconies(!), skylights, and a view of the Fernsehturm. Serious swoon. It is in Wedding, not our favorite 'hood, and is a sublet until June, but then we are setting it up to take over the apartment. It is also on the 5th floor, something our thighs are dreading. But what's one more floor, right? Especially with a view.

The other bummer is that our current sublet is up mid-month and the next apartment is available on the first. What does this mean? Just one more move of course! We have a temporary place set-up to bridge the gap that is actually kinda neat. I just can't wait to unpack one final time.

But before that, we bid adieu to our current apartment in Neukölln. It has some neat features and in a lot of ways we settled in and made it a home. BUT it also put up some resistance with an unexplained linoleum bubble in the kitchen and a mysterious crack in the living room window that appeared overnight. So long deposit....sigh.

Good-bye Neukölln, good-bye apartment, and please, oh please!, good bye to our short-term subletting days.

Berlin neon-green building
Apartment #6 Berlin

When our friends heard about the apartment we moved into, they said "Not the barney house?" Ouch. Yes, the Barney house.

This chair on the third landing was for the 90 year old woman who lived next to us. Her 60+ year old son brought her groceries. We weren't to proud to take a seat from time to time.

Bike path to Templehof Park
Loved the location next to the Tempelhofer Park.This bike lane to the park was heaven.

U-Bahn stop

UPDATE: Move #1 complete. 'Twas a bitch. But we are excited to be moving closer to NO More Moves! And the short-term apartment in Neukölln near Hermanplatz is pretty badass. Huge rooms (though one is primarily holding our stuff), funky decor, a school across the street....maybe I still have a little love of moving to new places in me. Video coming soon...

Want more pics and stories of apartments in Berlin? Click the apartment label for full gory details of our many, many moves and read What Moving 6 times in a Year has Taught Me.


  1. What a debacle you've been through! Wishing you all the best - may this place provide you a good home and many happy memories!

  2. Nice little apartment. Bad Schmitty!! I'm also diggin the old school Teenage Mutant t-shirt.RAD!!

  3. Thanks! We can't wait to be residents in Berlin rather than hobos.

    And thanks mom! I'm glad you think my shirt is rad. I think you're totally awesome! And we shall punish Schmitty, just for you... (and a bit for us) Love you tons and can't wait to see you next month!
