Elements of an Awesome Wedding

5 years in the making
A Berliner told us that "No one gets married in Berlin but the Turkish". The more people we know, the more it seems it's true. Maybe that's why people are always surprised we are married (or because I am such a catch). But we are. It's even one of the reasons we returned home to Seattle. So....

This is how we did It

and it was awesome

Enough thanks can never be given to our A-M-A-Z-I-N-G families & friends who offered straight up cash, support, and insight on every step of our journey. To everyone who participated, came and wished us well-

Ordained by the Church of the Latter Day Dude
Our Good Friend Travis was our officiant by authority of the Dude
Groom, Dudes, Space Needle
My Ladies & Fremont Troll
Georgetown Ballroom
Travel Wedding
Greg (Father-in-Law) made our wedding extraordinary with his handmade decorations and florist skills
Table deco. All our random pieces tickets, schedules & pics we used in "Ball" (my maiden name) jars with hops and coffee beans.
Wedding Cake Stand
Not to be outdone, my dad took my simple request for "something to set the cupcakes on" & created a intricate model of the Tower Bridge, the site of our engagement. It was a beautiful surprise. It was decorated with Triple Chocolate, Carrot, & Red Velvet cupcakes and British, American, & German flags. UPDATE!
For a favor we served our hombrew, complete with self-designed labels.
I loved our Fall Wedding

Dean, Mendenhall, Ball, Brandt, and newly anointed Porter
Wonderful Friends
My speech killed. Prost.
orange shoes

So colorful, funky, and fun. We loved it.

More pics? But, of course


What would you do for a 4 year anniversary? Linen isn't really our thing, so we burned down the glorious Tower Bridge cupcake tower my dad loving crafted for us. I swear it makes sense....kinda. 

Celebrating our Wedding Anniversary by Burning Down the Tower Bridge 



  1. Still brings a tear to my eye - it truly was an awesome wedding!!

  2. I can't say it enough, Thank You Mom & Dad.

  3. Congratulations!! Love how you incorporated travel and the Tower Bridge into the theme :)

  4. Thanks so much Dana. It was, of course, a special day and it meant a lot to us to incorporate different elements of our crazy life abroad.
